In this article, we'll see how to setup an automatic backup of a PostgreSQL database from a linux machine.

First, we'll do some setup. We are going to install the required tools and create a demo database we can use to practice.
Next, we will have a look at the pg_dump, pg_dumpall and pg_restore commands that let us backup and restore our PostgreSQL database.
Then, we will learn how to automate the backup process with a bash script and a cron job.
Finally, We will setup an email notification to monitor whether the backup is done correctly and be alerted if there has been any problem during the process.


Before starting, we need to install the tools we are going to use to backup and restore our database. We are also going to create a small demo database we will use in this demo.

Postgresql client

The postgresql client provides the commands we need to backup and restore databases. To test whether the client is installed on your system, use the psql --version command. You should get this output:

$ psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 10.10 (Ubuntu 10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)

If the postgresql client is not installed, you should get an output that looks like this:

$ psql --version
bash: /usr/bin/psql: No such file or directory

To install in Debian based systems:

$ sudo apt install postgresql-client

The command should install the postgresql-client-common and postgresql-client-<version>. At the time of writing, version is 10.
Once the client is installed, you can start using the psql command.

For other systems, see this article.

Create a demo database

We are now going to create a database that we'll use in the following example.

We have three ways to interact with our PostgreSQL server:

  1. Enter the server's command line where we can directly type SQL instructions.
$ psql -h <host_ip> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database_name>
  1. Send an SQL command using the -c option
$ psql -h <host_ip> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database> -c 'SELECT * FROM table'
  1. Run an SQL script from a file using the -f command
$ psql -h <host_ip> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database> -f myscript.sql

I will be working on a local PostgreSQL server, that's why I skip the -h option. By default, the client connects to localhost. If your PostgreSQL server is on a remote machine, you need to add the -h <host_ip> option to the commands that follows. The -p command that sets the port can be skipped if the PostgreSQL server is set to listen on the default port (5432).

First, create the demo database:

$ psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE my_database;'

Then, we are going to write a script that will create a table in the my_database database and fill it with some data. We will execute the script using the psql command.

First, create the script.

$ vim create_database.sql
-- Create a users table
    id serial PRIMARY KEY
    , username varchar(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL
    , email varchar(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL

-- Insert some data in the table
    users(username, email)
    ('Alice', '')
    , ('Bob', '')
    , ('Charlie', '')

Then, we execute the script:

$ psql -U postgres -f create_database.sql

We can control that all is set:

$ psql -U postgres -d my_database -c 'SELECT * FROM users;'
 id | username |          email
  1 | Alice    |
  2 | Bob      |
  3 | Charlie  |
(3 rows)

We're all set! We can now learn how to backup our database.

pg_dump, pg_dumpall and pg_restore

The pg_dump command lets us extract a database into a backup file. The pg_dumpall extracts an entire cluster.
The pg_restore reloads an archive file into a database.

For example, if I want to backup the my_database database, I would run the following commmand:

$ pg_dump my_database > backup.sql

I will then have a local backup.sql file that contains all the SQL instructions needed to create my database objects and fill it with the backed up data.

pg_dump options

Here are some basic options we can use with the pg_dump command.

  • -U: specify which user will connect to the PostgreSQL server.
  • -w or --password: will force pg_dump to prompt for a password
  • -F: specify the format of the output file
  • p: plain-text SQL (default)
  • c: custom-format archive
  • d: directory-format archive. Will create a directory with one file per table.
  • t: tar-format archive.

custom, directory and tar formats are suitable for input into pg_restore while the plain-text SQL file has to be executed with the pslq command as we will see in the next part on restoring databases.

  • -a: dumps only the data, not the schema.
  • -s: dumps only the schema, not the data.
  • -n <schema>: will dump only the specified schema. To dump multiple schema, type -n schema_1 -n schema_2

Dumping a remote database

If the database is stored on a remote server, we can specify the host and the user as options.

$ pg_dump -h <host_ip> -U <username> my_database > my_database_backup.sql

We will be prompted to enter the password after hitting enter.

Restoring a database from a backup file

Restoring from plaintext backup.

If you used the default settings to backup your database, you now have a plain-text .sql file.

We are now going to restore my_database in a new database called new_db.

$ psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE new_db'
psql -U postgres -d new_db < my_database_backup.sql

(1 row)

(1 row)


We control that the data is there:

$ psql -U postgres -d new_db -c 'SELECT * FROM users;'
 id | username |          email          
  1 | Alice    |
  2 | Bob      |
  3 | Charlie  |
(3 rows)

Here, we used the psql command to restore the database instead of the pg_restore one. When creating a backup without specifying the backup format, the format option defaults to plain-text SQL (-F p). This will generate a plain-text file with SQL commands. pg_restore cannot process those files.
To get a file that can be processed by pg_restore, we have to save our backup using the -F option with the c, d, or t values.

Restoring with pg_restore

When the backup was done with the custom, directory or archive formats, you will have to use the pg_restore command to restore your database.

pg_restore options

Here are some basic options that can be used with pg_restore:

  • -a: restore only the data.
  • -c: drop the database objects before recreating them.
  • -C: creates the database before restoring into it.
  • -d dbname: connects to the database dbname and restore into it.
  • -t table: restore only the named table.

Backup the databases

$ pg_dump -U postgres -F t my_database > my_database_backup.tar

To demonstrate the command, we are going to delete a record from the users table, restore from the backup file and control that the record is back.

Delete the record:

$ psql -U postgres -d my_database -c 'DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 2;'
$ psql -U postgres -d my_database -c 'SELECT * FROM users;'
 id | username |          email
  1 | Alice    |
  3 | Charlie  |
(2 rows)

Restore the data from the backup file:

$ pg_restore -U postgres -d my_database -c my_database_backup.tar
$ psql -U postgres -d my_database -c 'SELECT * FROM users;'
 id | username |          email
  1 | Alice    |
  2 | Bob      |
  3 | Charlie  |
(3 rows)

Automate this!

So far, we have seen how to backup our database manually. But a useful backup should be done on a regular basis and we don't want to have to do it manually. In the last part of this post, I am going to explain how to automate the process. First, we are going to write a script that will backup the database. Then, we will create a .pgpass file that will allow connections to the database without having to type the password. Finaly, we will create a cron job that will run our backup script at a specific time.

Writing a bash script

Some scripts for automated backup on linux have been made available here by the PostgreSQL community.
We are however going to write a simpler script following their example. The script will backup one database defined in the configuration file. We want to have a rotated backup that will run daily but will only keep the last n days of backups.

Configuration file

First we create a pg_backup.config file where we can set up what and how we want to backup.



# The hostname or ip address of the database host

# The user name used to connect to the database. Will default to "postgres"


# Name of the database we want to backup

# The directory where the backup files will be saved. Will be created if it doesn't exist.
# Must be writable by the user the script is running as

# Set to "yes" to produce custom-format backup files

# Set to "yes" to produce gziped plain-text format files


# Which day to take the weekly backup from (1-7 = Monday-Sunday)

# Number of days to keep daily backups

# How many week to keep weekly backups

Backup script

First, we need to get the path to the configuration file that will be passed with the -c option when calling our script.

Load the configuration file

# Get the path to the configuration file from the option passed
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        # Look at the value of the first argument. It should be the option "-c"
        case $1 in 
                        # If the option passed is -c, then we set the value that follows
                        # as the variable that stores the path to the configuration file.
                        shift 2
                        # Any other option will raise an error and stop the script
                        echo "Unknown option $1" 1>&2
                        exit 2

# Load the configuration
source "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}"

Then we create a function called backup_database() that will actually do the backup. It will first create a directory where the backup files will be stores:

# The SUFFIX is set with the value of the first parameter passed to the function
# it can be "-daily", "-weekly" or "-monthly"

# Build the name of the directory from the base name set in the configuration file
# with the current date and the suffix

# Try to create the directory. If it fails, show an error message and stop the script.
if ! mkdir -p $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR; then
        echo "Cannot create backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"
        exit 1;

Then we check the values of the different backup types and run the pg_dump for each one set to yes. We'll look at the backup in tar format.

# Control whether the option is set to "yes"
if [ $ENABLE_TAR_BACKUPS = "yes" ] 
        # Try to run the pg_dump command with the -Ft option
        if ! pg_dump -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" -Ft "$DATABASE" -f $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".tar.in_progress; then
                # If the attempt failed, show an error message and continue
                echo "Failed to produce custom backup of the $DATABASE database"
                # If the backup succeed, remove the ".in_progress" extension from the file name.
                mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".tar.in_progress $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".tar

The backup_database() function will be called for daily, weekly and monthly backups. The Monthly backups are made on the first day of the month.

# Get what day of the month is the current day.
DAY_OF MONTH=`date +%d`

# Control if today is the first day of the month.
if [ "$DAY_OF_MONTH" -eq 1]; then
        # Delete expired monthly backups
        find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name "*-monthly" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'

        # Create a new monthly backup
        backup_database "-monthly"

        # Stop the script
        exit 0;

Let's put all of this together to get our backup script. We can add some echo statements to log what the script is doing.



# get the path to the configuration file from the option passed
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case $1 in 
                        shift 2
                        echo "Unknown option $1" 1>&2
                        exit 2

# load configurations
source "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}"


function backup_database()
        # Create the directory where the backup file will be saved
        FINAL_BACKUP_DIR=$BACKUP_DIR"`date +\%Y-\%m-\%d`$SUFFIX/"
        echo -e "Creating the backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"\n
        if ! mkdir -p $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR; then
                echo "Cannot create backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"
                exit 1;

        if [ $ENABLE_TAR_BACKUPS = "yes" ] 
                echo "Starting tar format backup of the $DATABASE database"
                if ! pg_dump -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" -Ft "$DATABASE" -f $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".tar.in_progress; then
                        echo "Failed to produce custom backup of the $DATABASE database"
                        mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".tar.in_progress $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".tar

        if [ $ENABLE_PLAIN_BACKUPS = "yes" ]
                echo "Starting plain format backup of the $DATABASE database"
                if ! pg_dump -h "$HOSTNAME" -U "$USERNAME" -Fc "$DATABASE" | gzip > $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz.in_progress; then
                        echo "Failed to produce plain backup of the $DATABASE database"
                        mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz.in_progress $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz

        # Display the files saved in the backup directory
        echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------"
        echo -e "Showing files in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR\n"
        ls -lh $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR



echo "##################################################"
echo -e "##          BACKUP LOG FOR `date +\%Y-\%m-\%d`           ##"
echo -e "##################################################\n"

echo -e "Start time: `date +\%H:\%M`\n"

echo "Database: $DATABASE"
echo "Backup Directory: $BACKUP_DIR"


DAY_OF_MONTH=`date +%d`

if [ "$DAY_OF_MONTH" -eq 1 ]; then
        echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------"
        echo -e "Creating monthly backup\n"

        # Delete expired monthly directories
        find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name "*-monthly" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'

        # Create a new monthly backup
        backup_database "-monthly"

        exit 0;


DAY_OF_WEEK=`date +%u` # 1-7 (Monday-Sunday)
EXPIRED_DAYS=`expr $((($WEEKS_TO_KEEP * 7) + 1))`
        echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------"
        echo -e "Creating weekly backup\n"

        # Delete expired weekly directories
        find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$EXPIRED_DAYS -name "*-weekly" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'

        # Create a new weekly backup
        backup_database "-weekly"

        exit 0;

echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "Creating daily backups\n"

# Delete expired daily backups 
find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP -name "*-daily" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'

# Create a new daily backup
backup_database "-daily"

echo -e "\n--------------------------------------------------"
echo "The backup took $(($ELAPSED_TIME/60)) min $(($ELAPSED_TIME%60)) sec"

We can now test the script by running it manually.

$ scripts/ -c scripts/pg_backup.config
Configuration file: scripts/pg_backup.config

Creating daily backups

Making backup directory in /tmp/2019-10-24-daily/
Starting tar format backup of the my_database database
Starting plain format backup of the my_database database


When the connection to the database requires a password, we can create a .pgpass file in our home directory to store the credentials. The file will contain one line per connection. Each line must have the following format:


For security reasons, we must disallow access to the file to world or group.

$ chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass

The permissions should look like this

$ ls -al
-rw------- 1 user user   45 Oct 24 02:39 .pgpass

Create a cron job

At this point, we should be able to backup our database by just running the script. This is already less work than typing the backup commands manually. The next step is to create a cron job to have the script executed by our system automatically at a given time.

First, we have to make our script executable:

$ chmod +x /path/to/

Then, to create a cron job, run the crontab -e command. This will open the user crontab file in your favorite editor. All we have to do is add a line that define the job we want done. The line needs to follow this format:

minutes hours day_of_month month day_of_week  command

We can use the following operators:

  • The asterisk (*): all possible values for the field.
  • The comma (,): specifies a list of values (e.g. "1,5,10,15,20,25").
  • The dash (-): specifies a range of values. (e.g. "5-15" == "5,6,7,...,13,14,15").
  • The separator (/): specifies a step value. "0-23/" can be used in hours field to run the command every other hour. Steps are also permitted after an asterisk: "*/2" == every two hours.

Let say that we want our database to be backed up every day at 11pm. We would add the following line:

00 23 * * * /path/to/ -c /path/to/pg_backup.config

If the hour of the backup is not important, we can use the @daily special string. This will execute our script every day at midnight.

@daily /path/to/ -c /path/to/pg_backup.config

Or, as another example, if nobody is working on weekends and no changes are made to the database during those days, we may want to backup our database only on weekdays. In this case, we would add this line

00 23 * * 1-5 /path/to/ -c /path/to/pg_backup.config

where 1-5 tells the system to run the job only from Monday (1) to Friday (5).

Get a notification email

We're all set! The database should be backed up every day. But we still need to monitor the process to be sure that the backup is done. Don't wait the day you need your backup file to find out that the backup didn't run correctly and that you don't have any usable backup file. In this last step, we are going to send an email with the output from the backup script.

First, we need to install mailutils

$ sudo apt install mailutils

We can now easily send emails from the command line using the mailx command:

$ mailx -s "my subject" <<< "Some text goes there"

If we want to send the content of a file, we can use the cat command with a pipe |:

$ cat filename.txt | mailx -s "content of filename.txt"

Knowing this, we can modify our cron job command to have the output sent by email. Return in the crontab with crontab -e and modify the job as follow.

00 23 * * * /path/to/ -c /path/to/pg_backup.config 2>&1 | tee /path/to/pg_backup.log | mailx -s "database backup for `date +\%Y-\%m-\%d"

In this cron job, the 2>&1 redirects errors (2 is the file descriptor for stderr) to the standard output (1 is the file descriptor for stdout). The output is then passed to the tee command that reads from a standard input and write to our pg_backup.log file. The file is finally passed to the mailx command that will send an email with our job's log as the body.


Et voila! Our database is now backed up every day automatically. All we have to do is check our email to see if everything went smoothly.
The script we wrote in this article will only backup one database at a time. We can create a new script and a new cron job for each database we want to backup. This may not be the most efficient way in some settings. Writing our own script is a good way to learn how it works, but I recommend using the scripts made available on the PostgreSQL wiki.